Monday, August 28, 2017

How To Create A Supply Chain Strategy ?

Sourcing Strategy
The strategy is a game plan, chosen to achieve the organizational objectives, gain customer’s trust, attain competitive advantage and to acquire a market position. It is a combination of well-thought intent and actions which lead to the organization towards its desired position or destination. It is a unified and integrated plan made to achieve the basic objectives of the enterprise like:
Handling events and problems
Taking advantage of opportunities
Full resource utilization
Coping with threats

Features of Strategy

The strategy is a combination of flexibly designed corporate moves, through which an
organization can compete with its rivals successfully. The following are the features of
the Strategy:
It should be formulated from the top level management. However, sub-strategies can be made by middle-level management.
It should have a long range perspective.
It should be dynamic in nature.
The main purpose is to overcome from uncertain situations.
It should be made in such a way, to make the best possible use of scarce resources

Total cost of ownership

Construction Building   =10,000,0000.00
Furniture & Fixtures      =   1,000,0000.00
Electic Equipment         =      10,00000.00
Computer Equipment    =      10,00000.00
Books                              =       10,00000.00
Stationery Items             =          5,00000.00
Logistric support            =           5,00000.00
Cars                                 =       50,000000.00
Total Cost                                   109,000,000.00

Logistic Strategy

Logistic is that part of the supply chain process that plans , implements and controls  the efficent , effective flow and storage of goods , service and related information from the point- of-origin to the points –of-consumption in order to meet customer requirements.
Logistic Strategy
In-bound & Out-bound logistic
In- bound logistic includes-
Carrying  cost of purchasing goods & stationery
Car facilities of faculty & stuff
Cleaning material stock into inventory
Charring cost of books .
        In-bound & Out-bound logistic
Outbound Logistic Includes-
Car facilities of faculty and Stuff
Bus services for student
Inventory  items transfer  various outlet

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